DDOT has completed a Traffic Safety Investigation (TSI) involving speed and traffic calming concerns along the 5700 & 5800 BLOCKS OF 3RD STREET NW. Based on our engineering evaluation, DDOT intends to install speed table(s) and associated signs in the 5700 & 5800 BLOCKS OF 3RD STREET NW. The proposed location falls within ANC 4B.
We are reaching out to you, as a courtesy, for the purpose of notification and solicitation of comments on our decision to implement the above countermeasures in your jurisdiction. All comments on this matter must be provided to me in writing, no later than ten (10) business days after the date of this notice, so that we are able to review and consider your feedback. If no comments are received within this timeframe, DDOT will proceed with the design and installation of the recommended countermeasures.
Please note that DDOT has performed a complete engineering evaluation for this location in accordance with the new Guidelines on Vertical Traffic Calming Implementation. As part of these guidelines, all proposed vertical traffic calming installations require ANC notification. The sole purpose of this notification is to provide the ANC Commissioner, as the locally elected representative, an opportunity to confer with the residents and relay the feedback to DDOT. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions about this process or any specific concerns about this location.
Good evening, Please find below the comments sent to DDOT this afternoon on behalf of ANC 4B06 regarding their proposal to add speed tables to the 5700-6800 blocks of 3rd Street NW.
Out of the 9 comments received from multiple mediums, 67% approved of the speed tables, while 33% offered alternative proposals or recommendations.
I have invited DDOT to speak to the residents of ANC 4B06 at a soon-to-be-scheduled special single-member district meeting. Once a date has been finalized, you will be notified.
Quick reminder, that the proposed DDOT measures in the 5700-5800 Block of 3rd Street NW will be discussed during tonight's ANC 4B06 single-member district meeting.
Virtual Meeting Details:
For video participation via Zoom on a computer or mobile device, click this link:
Meeting ID: 852 8117 5379. Passcode: 161186.
For voice-only participation on the telephone dial (301) 715-8592.
Meeting ID: 852 8117 5379. Passcode: 161186.