Dear Neighbor:
Thank you for registering to join us for tomorrow's (Thursday, May 6) meeting from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. about safety improvements along Piney Branch Road NW from Butternut Street to Eastern Avenue NW. Meeting information is below. The agenda is as follows:
Welcome, Introductions, History of Safety Challenges Along Piney Branch Road NW (Commissioner Evan Yeats, 4B01)
Vision Zero in Ward 4 (Councilmember Janeese Lewis-George, Ward 4)
Impact of Safety Challenges Along Piney Branch (Terri Abbott)
Presentation of Piney Branch Traffic Calming Plan (Sayra Molina and Mike Goodno, District Department of Transportation)
Question and Answer, Comments
Join on Zoom App or via Web - Meeting ID - 824 2937 8268 Passcode - 677739 Call-in - 301-715-5892 On Phone: STAR-9 to raise hand; STAR-6 to unmute Livestream w/o Participation -
I look forward to seeing you all.